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NEXT SALON: April Salon from Your Home


April’s Virtual Salon, with news of our coming anthology, a catch-up with two of our favourite writers, and a bit of post-Easter spoonerism.

It’s time for the Edinburgh Literary Salon Eastertide meeting, which traditionally involves an egg-and-spoon theme. This year we’ve hatched (oh yes!) a plan to do this digitally. All will be revealed during the zoom meeting, as sure as eggs is eggs.

More important, we have lots to say about our forthcoming Anthology: Lost, Looking & Found.

This exciting project is a collaboration between the Salon and Edinburgh Napier University, through their MSc Publishing course. We will be welcoming students from each of the ‘teams’ involved in the process, including marketing, editing, and design teams, and their tutors. This will be an interesting insight into the process of publishing a new book – and getting a degree too!

There will be a chance to ‘meet’ some of the writers involved in the project – even if only in a zoom-window, hiding behind their profile picture! Two of our invited writers were Special Guests at our 2019 Book Week Scotland event – Ricky Monahan Brown and Catherine Simpson – and they will drop in for a chat and a catch up. They might even answer questions…

As always, the formal event will end after some participation and sharing of information, after which you are welcome to hang around in the zoom for more informal chatter. There will be an opportunity to join break-out rooms, and people can stay for as long or short a time as they wish.

How it works...

6pm: Welcome and Introduction: the egg-and-spoon race…

6.15: Presentation: Lost, Looking & Found - our first anthology.

6.30: Questions and Comments*

6.40: Ricky and Catherine catch-up

6.55: Notes of Interest and News

7.15: End of ‘formal’ Event

Please stick around for a drink and a chat (nb, provide your own drink, alcohol optional!)

*We acknowledge that some people prefer to attend the Zoom without video, so we invite people to use the ‘comments’ section to give input, paste relevant links; and ask questions. We encourage attendees to say ‘bye’ if they so wish when departing! We will save any links from the comments to share to our mailing-list and social media, and we will not be recording the zoom.

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